When your earnings increase, one of the typical things to do is to open a savings account rather than a checking account. The problem you might face, is to determine which site to go with... Knowing that most don't publish their rates online on their sites, it might be a tedious work calling each and every one to enquire from them directly.
Today, I got some good news regarding a new, very promising site called SavingsAccounts.com. SavingsAccounts.com is a site that is focused on the direct to consumer online banking industry, that specializes in high yield savings accounts. The rates for savings accounts are as high as 6% now and most consumers are only still earning below 1%. Although the site is in early development stages, one can tell at once that it's gonna be something worthy.
Compare online banking, find a savings account or checking account and earn more interest today with SavingsAccounts.com. SavingsAccounts' list includes several banks and shows interest rates, maintenance fees, minimum balances, and other required features.
An interesting fact is who is on the top of their list now. It is HSBC with a whopping 6.0% interest rate. In addition to their list of savings accounts, they also have a list of articles for more money-saving ideas. So, if you plan on a savings account, I suggest you give them a shot.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
SavingsAccounts.com- (Sponsored Post)
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